L’Initiative complements multilateral investments to fight major pandemics by directly funding health programs that focus on priority issues. Find out more about our funding mechanisms.

The projects we finance aim to becatalysts,” meaning that they seek to bring about tangible changes in health policies and practices. We, therefore, support local and national stakeholders that propose projects to strengthen their health systems, specifically target key groups and vulnerable populations or invest in operational research.

We support long-term projects (48-60 months) that help build capacity among our partners and drive changes in national public health policies.

Key figures for the 2020-2023 triennium

Projects funded

for a total of more than €69 M in 27 countries

Organizations supported

38% of which were local NGOs and community organizations

Eligible organizations

L’Initiative encourages the implementation of projects that involve national pandemic response programs, the research community, civil society, and the private sector. The main project initiator must be a legal entity with a board of directors/executive committee and head office registered in an eligible country or in France.

Funding mechanisms

Funding your projects, L'Initiative

Theme: “Vulnerable populations”

  • Project duration: 36-48 months;

  • Projects should be designed for and with people living in vulnerable circumstances, key populations, and women and young girls, who currently represent the majority of new HIV infections and are particularly vulnerable to contracting malaria and tuberculosis.

Funding your projects, L'Initiative

Theme: “Strengthening health systems”

  • Project duration: 36-60 months;
  • Projects should stimulate the involvement and effectiveness of an ecosystem
    of committed individuals, national authorities, and organizations working to
    implement appropriate responses for those affected by the three pandemics.
Funding your projects, L'Initiative

Theme: “Operational research”

  • Project duration: 36-48 months;

  • Projects should assess the relevance and feasibility of new health policies and/or practices. L’Initiative’s Steering Committee selects a theme and geographic area for this call for projects every year.

Funding your projects, L'Initiative

The Accelerator: customized support to respond to neglected challenges

The projects targeted by this new mechanism must seek to transform both health policies and practices and focus on neglected health challenges and strengthening health systems.

Calls for projects: timetable

L’Initiative publishes its calls for projects at the end of the year. This is followed by a two-stage application process. Project initiators must first write and submit a letter of intent, and then, if the project is shortlisted, they must prepare a detailed project proposal.

Phase 1 - Letters of intent are submitted

  • December 2023: calls for projects;

  • End of January 2024: submission of letters of intent (around ten pages);

  • February: letters of intent are checked for eligibility and then evaluated;

  • April: letters of intent are shortlisted by the Selection Committee.

Phase 2 - Detailed project proposals are prepared

  • April-June 2024: preparation of detailed project proposals for the shortlisted letters of intent;

  • June: L’Initiative receives finalized project proposals;

  • June-August: evaluation of project proposals by our evaluators;

  • End of September: complete project proposals are shortlisted by the Selection Committee;

  • October: final selection of complete project proposals, subject to conditions set by the committee, if appropriate.

We systematically offer support for each selected project, first during implementation, and then upon project completion. This includes monitoring, audits, an evaluation (including measuring project impact) and, where applicable, capitalization and communication of lessons learned, in keeping with L’Initiative’s quality criteria.

Funding your projects, L'Initiative

The last calls for projects

, L'Initiative

2024 Call for proposals – Operational Research : children facing pandemics


24/01/2024 à 12h00
, L'Initiative

2024 Call for proposals – Strengthening the role of key populations in response to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria to improve health and well-being


24/01/2024 à 12h00
, L'Initiative

2024 Call for proposals – Strengthening Health Systems (HSS) at all levels : HHR at the heart of Health Systems


24/01/2024 à 12h00